True Conversations host and founder, Meghan Enriquez and founder of Ms Biz Mornings, Lisa Stearns, talk about how as a babyboomer woman, Lisa never liked being defined by the box that society decided was "a girl." Girls were not supposed to be loud or climb trees or know what they want in life. But Lisa did all of those things. Enjoy this cross generational discussion on why we lose our voice as women, and how to reclaim it. Become a TRUE ambassador today
Listen in to Illinois Democratic Assistant Majority Leader, State Senator Donne Trotter, Janaye Ingram, Director of Logistics for the Women's March, Alexandra Gail Van Hook, student Texas State University, Michael Hart, former President, Texas State Organization of Student Social Workers (OSSW) discuss the climate of college campuses, how the movement of the Women's March began and what is happening now, as well as the state of Illinois, where their budget has been frozen and what we can do about preventing it in the future. This is a True Conversations truecast in partnership with Party Politics US Chalkboard Conversations.